Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why I dont listen to Secular Music.. Videos are here..

Well.. Let us try this again.. for some reason the videos did not embed...so I am going to post the LINK to the videos.


Please educate yourself by going to the videos and watching them. Check back often to his page to watch new ones as he gets them up.

He also has some great ones on prophecy also!

Be sure to drop by his Web Page for more information on his books tapes and more. (www.johnmuncy.com)

I hope they help you to see why the music of the world is not good for anyone..

God Bless

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

I remember when you switched from secular to total Christian. LOL That was the bomb on how you kicked satans tail with making his secular music buy Jesus music. We do need to be more careful on what we listen to. If it doesn't promote God, at least don't promote the devil.