Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How Is My Driving?

This weekend, while going out for a few groceries, I was in a hospital zone..with a marked 20MPH speed limit when this car behind me wants to attach himself to my bumper in hopes to speed me to 21MPH.. Obviously in a hurry. Well... how to explain to this man that wanted to be so close to me, that I honestly could not afford another ticket.

Since my last run in...with a state trooper I obey every rule of road. Oh I know, you want to know about my wonderful time with our local State trooper, so I will recap.

About 2 years ago, I had to run to the bread store before my children got home from school..what is hamburgers without buns?? So as the dutiful mom, I jump in the car, and pull out.. forgetting one very important thing..MY SEAT BELT!

Well as soon as I pull out of our road a State Trooper pulls me over and asks why I did not have on my seat belt..I explained as a dutiful mom, my children need hamburger buns.. as takes my drivers license and insurance card..I could not help but smile and ask him "Please don't check the trunk." That was when he asked to step out of the car. Praise God he finally saw the humor and gave me my one and ONLY warning.. Yes he stressed ONLY... so I never break any rule of the road...

Now back to my weekend shopping trip.. by now.. the man behind me was so close he could have sat in the back seat with me. I was not about to break the speed limit law.. we finally came to the 30MPH zone..and I was able to accelerate..and so did he.. I was so thankful when another lane opened and he whipped around me! He was none to happy with the law abiding woman in the Dodge Dakota.. but that was when my eye caught..
His right hand corner of his car...
Jesus Fish!!!!!
I kid you not.. the man....
He was in such a hurry and tailgating me ...because he was obviously late for Bible Study!!!!!!!!
Bless his heart!!
The driver of the car...was a brother in Christ.....
But..was his actions behind the wheel that of Christ???
What if I was not a Christian?? And I saw his Jesus Fish and scorned the very God I serve..because of that mans actions while driving??
You know..if your going to REPRESENT God.. you better be showing HIS love in all you do..

Driving, walking, talking, dressing, you better represent. Many of us fail to realize that..even if we are late for work.. trying to get home.. what is 5 extra minutes to properly conduct yourself in a manner that is pleasing to Jesus....

Love them like Jesus Does.....
And when you see the girl driving the Big Dakota truck.... stop and wave.. and know..I am going speed limit because I already had my ONE and ONLY warning.

What about you??

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